Monday, September 23, 2013


So let's just consider something here: My PC will not play any video for MYST Masterpiece Edition (which I downloaded off of Steam). I don't know why this is and I have a hunch that I won't be able to change anything about that due to it being an app on Steam. That's a problem because the vast majority of the game's storytelling is done through video clips (that which can't be gleamed through the reading, that is)

So that's one problem that I've found with PC Gaming - old stuff sometimes doesn't work for reasons that I can't figure outAlso I just looked and the Store Page specifically indicated that it only worked on XP and Vista so all of this is my fault essentially as I'm running Windows 7.

Add "A shitty PC that I can put Windows XP on" to that list of stupid things I think I'd like to buy at some point.

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